Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This one is for YOU--------------->>2008.................

My AIM is to post atleast one blog per month... Its high time for me to write one for Dec08 and the last one for the year...Just feel like putting down the various emotions and activities of 2008.....
Let me start with activities first:
>> SWIMMING.... Tried learning it.... But i gave up very early, within a month(can you believe)..... :(
>> BADMINTON... Playing baddy after ages, that too badminton tournament... It was real FUN... More satisfaction was that I burned few calories... :)
>> RAIRESHWAR trek..... Wins the BEST EVENT of the YEAR08 award.....An experience to treasure...So close to nature enjoying the rains and the 'VAADIYAAN'... I felt like the KING of the WORLD.
>> GYMING...although its not even a month that i have started GYMING...Its very relaxing and you enjoy it more if you have company. Plus you get to see some dudes and babes..."Dudes" to "tapofy" and "Babes" to inspire you to get in "SHAPE"..... :)
Now its emotion TIME....
>> Escapism..... My all time solution to problems... But mind you, doesn't work..... You can run from everything and everyone in life but where will you run from yourself....Thats what I tried doing the entire year.... Just to realise that I am still standing there from where i started running.
>> Self destruction.....I think i have developed a tendency of hurting myself..... I tend to buy things which I cant afford emotionally..What a hi-fi dialogue it is....
>> Control.... I just appreciate the self control few people have... NO means NO.... and here I am, my NO always gets converted to HO... :-/What should i blame.... lack of self control or i don't stand by my words.... :(
On the emotional front, I just feel like a loser at the end of 08. In short,I have lot of emotional resolutions to make for 09....Even if I forget, this blog will remind me the KEY improvements areas I need to work on in 09.... :)
So people wish me luck so that I stick to my resolutions and fulfill them.... Wishing you and your near and dear ones a very happy and properous 2009.... Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kanchan said...


start making resolutions .. not 2 break but 2 fulfill !!!

Learn from me :P

Mini said...

Dont worry! you'll be compensated for all the losses in 08' with lot many surprises in 09'! Happy new year to you! and we'll do more treks next year also :-)

~G said...

Yay! I was part of atleast some of the new things you did in '08 :)
Looking forward to more posts according to your resolution :P
And stop worrying- one suggestion i would like to give you.
take care,
see ya next year ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey may u get stronger by the day ...physically n emotionally ...
Happy new year ...

Gargi said...

@Kanchan -- I dont wanna leave Chicken but... :P
@Mini -- Thanks Dear
@Gunjan -- I think you are right... Worrying is the cause for most problems... :(
@Vardan -- Hope for the BEST and expect the least... :)